Bonjour tout le monde- My name is June Rives and I am the author of two books on Paris-
My first is a "how to" live in France as an ex-pat called "Merci Monsieur..A Guide for Living in La Belle France". The newest book, fiction, entitled "Paris Perfect" is the story of Texan Punkin Lowery who moves to Paris after the tragedies of the suicide of her fiancé, and the death of her mother. Punkin is turning 50 and feels that her life is over.
I have lived off and on in Paris for the last 18 years and find it the most fascinating place. Many of the fictional characters in "Paris Perfect" are based on real individuals.
I just had a book signing in Paris at the English Ex-pat book store WH Smith and next up is a signing in San Francisco.
My "real job" is planning travel for Americans to France, Italy and England plus finding the perfect vacation rental in France.
Bonne journee et a tres bientot- June Rives